Friday 26 October 2018
November 1, 2018

Kirk McElhinney


Passionate Manchester singer-songwriter Kirk McElhinney is no stranger to Sha La! ‘Exciting and engaging…full of surprises’ says the Daily Express. Kirk is a master of the acoustic guitar. His soulful voice and insightful lyrics mixed with a rich and vibrant mosaic of picking give him a sound that is both unique and enticing. He will be accompanied by Manchester legend and musician John Ellis on keyboards.


Stacey Astill

Stacey Astill

Stacey Astill, comes to Shangri La! all the way from the Isle of Man! Named Manx Bard for 2015/16, she uses her work to explore themes of Manxness, politics, loss (and anything else which crosses her path!).  A fabulous newcomer to the ShaLa  spoken word roster.


Adventures of Salvadore


The weird, the wonderful, the funky and somewhat unhinged…. Adventures of Salvador!  Four unique individuals who meld years of musical experience and taste.  Variously described as “urban surf”, “progsurfabilly” and the “oldest new sound around” their sound is as unique as they are. And includes theramin!