Friday 25 January 2019
February 3, 2019

Mrs No Overall


Post-menopausal Real Princess of Yorkshire. Bend me over backwards on the hostess trolley and look at the muck in here! Mrs No Overall – the Queen of Domestic Hygiene, Grime Watch consultant, spot stain specialist is tooled up to the hairnet to get right round round your U bend as she brings a whole new meaning to Dirty Dancing. Remember – never disturb a middle aged lady when she’s flushing.


Bethany Rose

Bethany Rose

Bethany is an old fashioned romantic, but between her typewritten love letters and hand dried flowers, she is a fiercely passionate spoken word artist. In ‘Dear Body’, she explores the idea of acceptance through a letter from a broken mind to a surviving body. With a trigger warning for self harming behaviours and adult themes, this heartbreaking performance aims to break down barriers and challenge societal prejudices, whilst promoting positivity and self love.

Cardinal Sin


Stalwart La! regulars John Colombine and Chris Pope present an eclectic mix of Rock, Funk and Synth with hypnotic electronic beats and grooves. “Original yet musically comforting”, says one fan. We agree.

Video here:

Blazing Snowmen


We welcome back the Blazing Snowmen for another belting set. Indie veterans with past links to The Creepers, Tools You Can Trust, Marc Riley’s Intape Records (Frank Sidebottom, Gaye Bikers on Acid) and John Peel favourites, they have variously been described as anarcho-pop irreverent, satirical, strange but familiar, uncompromising and witty.